Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Favorite "Ships": A Series - The Finale

This is a continuation of this post.

I thought about stretching this series out and doing a separate post for each of my top five, but that seemed a little excessive. Instead, this post will just have more videos than the others. 

It's really, really hard to rank my top "ships," but here it goes.

#5. Gilmore Girls - Luke and Lorelai
From the pilot, there was always something special about the relationship between Luke and Lorelai. They were great as friends and even better as a couple. Thanks to the power of Netflix and the Gilmore Girls revival, we were able to see it through to the, spoiler alert, wedding so many of us fans wanted.

Now, numbers 3 and 4 were a bit of a toss-up, but the ending of Chuck was ambiguous, so it takes the #4 spot.

#4. Chuck - Chuck and Sarah
What's not to love about the mix of action, adventure, comedy, and romance that is the show Chuck? Even more, what's not to love about the combination of nerdy-yet-cool boy and super-spy girl that is Chuck and Sarah? My only complaint is the way the show ended. Hopefully, Zachary Levi will make a Chuck movie and remove the ambiguity once and for all.

#3. Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Lois and Clark
Dean Cain will always be the best (and best looking) Superman in my book. (And Terri Hatcher the best Lois Lane.) I rediscovered this show in my '20s and loved it even more than when I was a kid. 

#2. Rookie Blue - Sam and Andy
I watched the pilot of Rookie Blue because it starred the girl from Stick It and the guy from Everwood. I don't usually like crime shows, but I was hooked from the beginning. We see Sam and Andy interact for the first time on the pilot, and I'm pretty sure I shipped them from that moment on.

#1. NCIS: Los Angeles - Kensi and Deeks
I discovered this show during the premiere of the seventh season because it came on after Scorpion and I happened to leave the TV on without changing the channel. Kensi and Deeks are well-established as partners and a couple by that point, and I loved the chemistry and witty banter between "Densi." I proceeded to binge watch seasons 1-6 while watching season 7 as it aired. The best thing about "Densi" is that the show is still in production, and, spoiler alert, season 8 ended with a proposal.

This is the episode that started it all for me:

It occurs to me that my top four "ships" are couples who 1) have a strong female who is made even stronger by working with her guy and 2) repeatedly save the day together. It appears I have a type--and a dang good one at that.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Favorite "Ships": A Series - Continued

This is a continuation of the series that began with this post.

As I grew older, my list of favorite shows--and, therefore, ships--expanded.

Yes, I'm one of those girls: I loved Ross and Rachel on Friends. They're each other's lobsters! [I have since seen Buzzfeed posts about how Ross was not all he was cracked up to be in the boyfriend department and I tend to agree.] These will always be two of my favorite scenes.


One of my all-time favorite shows around high school/college age was Wildfire, a show about a young woman who discovers her love of horse racing when working on a family's farm after parole from juvenile detention. And one of the biggest draws of the show was the will-they-won't-they dynamic between Kris Furillo and Jr. Davis.


My Boys
This show was far too short-lived in my opinion. The seasons had very few episodes compared to most shows and you always had to wait a year for it to come back on. There was a lot I liked about My Boys, but one of my favorite things was the relationship between PJ and Bobby. (Although, to be honest, I probably would've been just as happy with PJ and Brendan.) Unfortunately, this was just about the only clip I could find on YouTube.

The Office
Jim and Pam are the whole reason I was drawn to The Office. It's a show that I discovered in syndication and eventually binged just to see what would happen with them. Though the overall show went a little downhill toward the end, Jim and Pam's "ship" made it worth watching.

Parks and Recreation
Parks and Rec is the newest addition to my list of favorite shows, and because I discovered it after the series finale, I already knew about Leslie and Ben. But I still shipped them. They're just so cute and so perfect for each other.

I've wanted Paige and Walter together since the beginning of the series, and it finally happened at the end of season three. Quite frankly, I got a little confused in season two about why they weren't together. The best part about this "ship" is that it is still in production.